Site map
For students
- Student outcomes and employability
Student rights and welfare
- Advice for EU and international students
- Protecting students if a course, campus or university closes
- Student guide to harassment and sexual misconduct
- Student guide to industrial action
- Student mental health support
- What universities and colleges should do for students
- Information for students on the closure of ALRA drama school
Protecting students’ consumer rights
- How to complain
- Referrals to National Trading Standards
- Consumer rights case studies
- Referral to Trading Standards: University of Manchester
- OfS referral to Trading Standards: ICON College of Technology and Management
- OfS referral to Trading Standards: London Bridge Business Academy
- Terms and conditions at risk of breaching consumer law
- Referral to Trading Standards: Fairfield School of Business
- Referral to Trading Standards: Oxford Brookes University
- Financial sustainability of universities and colleges
- Information for students on the closure of courses at Schumacher College
- Information for students on closure of courses at Applied Business Academy
- Course and university closures
- OfS and students
- Teaching quality and TEF
Planning to study
- Study artificial intelligence and data science as a postgraduate
- Degree apprenticeships - guide for apprentices
- Adult learners in higher education - a guide
- Equal opportunities
- Student finance
For providers
Registering with the OfS
- All information about registering with the OfS
- How to register
- Reducing regulatory burden
- Monitoring and intervention
- All information about monitoring and intervention
- Registration with the OfS - a guide
- Degree awarding powers
- University title
- Information for providers on the crisis in Ukraine
- Changing registration category or fee limit
- Temporary changes to registration and other applications
Quality and standards
- Retaining assessed work
- How we regulate quality and standards
- Changes to our approach
- How we regulate student outcomes
- Quality assessment for registered providers
- Freedom of speech
- Graduate Outcomes survey
- About the TEF
- TEF branding 2023
- TEF 2023 ratings
Enhancement resources
- Equipping graduates for a rapidly changing creative industry
- Supporting students to achieve their ‘Personal Best’
- Empowering staff through values-driven development
- Taking a holistic approach to peer-led learning
- Outstanding student-centred, individualised support for college higher education students
- Co-creation to improve student engagement and outcomes
- All information about quality and standards
- Quality and standards assessments for providers applying to register
Equality of opportunity
- Access and participation plans
- Access agreements
Addressing Barriers to Student Success programme
- What’s the evidence?
- About the projects
- About the evaluation
- ABSS effective practice
- ABSS project - Aston University
- ABSS project - Coventry University
- ABSS project - University of Derby
- ABSS project - University of Exeter
- ABSS project - Gateshead College
- ABSS project - University of Huddersfield
- ABSS project - Kingston University
- ABSS project - University of Leeds
- ABSS project - University of Manchester
- ABSS project - New College Durham
- ABSS project - Nottingham Trent University
- ABSS project - The Open University
- ABSS project - University of Portsmouth
- ABSS project - University of Roehampton
- ABSS project - University of Sheffield
- ABSS project - University of Southampton
- ABSS project - University of the West of England
- Case study: Gateshead College
- Case study: Nottingham Trent University
- All content about Uni Connect
- Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes in Higher Education
Effective practice
- Black, Asian and minority ethnic students
- Care experienced
- Carers
- Children from military families
- Contextual admissions
- Disabled students
- Estranged students
- Governing bodies
- Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
- Local and commuter students
- Mature students
- People with criminal convictions
- Refugees
- Strategic relationships with schools
- Student engagement and consultation
- Supporting international students
- White British males from low socioeconomic status backgrounds
- Suicide prevention
- Case studies
- HEON: Introducing higher education to Year 9
- North West and Midlands partnerships: Fast tracking to success
- Higher Horizons: Engaging with parents
- HeppSY: HE Can
- Case study: New College Durham
- Case study: University of Leeds
- Case study: Aston University
- Case study: University of Exeter
- Case study: Kingston University
- The small and medium enterprise and surviving coronavirus
- Leicester’s Future Leaders
- GradForce project: Engaging employers
- ‘Rise’ at Manchester Met – This is your time and place…
- Birkbeck: Pathways for mature learners from the forced migrant community
- Transforming the West Midlands through 'reverse mentoring'
- Graduate internships: navigating the virtual landscape
- Case study: Go Higher West Yorkshire
- Care leavers case study: University of Exeter
- Case study: Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
- Case study: University of Cumbria
- Care experienced students: The Verbatim Formula
- University of York: A city-wide approach to suicide prevention
- A partnership approach to developing suicide-safer communities for students
- Suicide and self-harm mitigation – a whole-population approach
- Start to Success #TalkSuicide campaign
- Interventions and partnerships: a Suicide Safer approach to wellbeing
- Healthy NTU: a health promotion and primary intervention programme
- Implementing a whole-institution approach to mental health and wellbeing
- Workshop scenario produced by the University of the West of England, Bristol
- Suicide prevention and data analytics
- Using education, partnerships and research to promote a suicide-safer strategy
- London Met: Creating racial and social justice in higher education
- Degree-awarding gaps: a targeted approach
- An institution-wide approach to addressing the Black and Ethnic Minority (BME) attainment gap
- Conversations about Race
- Inclusive Education Student & Staff Partners Programme to design for inclusion
- Improving student mental health through partnerships
- U-COPE: targeted interventions for students in crisis
- Suicide prevention through online staff training
- Bournemouth University: Books and Stories
- Bridgwater and Taunton College: Multi-Academy Trust
- The Brilliant Club: The Scholars Programme
- The Education Endowment Foundation: Children’s University
- IntoUniversity: Long-term interventions
- King’s College London: Attainment programmes
- Sheffield Hallam University: South Yorkshire Futures
- University of Surrey: Partnership with Kings College Guildford
- Collaborative approaches between higher education and the NHS to support student mental health
- Supporting students in crisis: developing a common strategy across a multi-campus institution
- UoB/Well: Digital innovation and student-led initiatives as a way of improving student mental health provision
- Co-creation to develop culturally competent mental health support for students
- ‘Just like me’: Supporting the mental health of LGBTQ+ students through creative activities
- Mental health analytics: An innovative approach to understanding students’ wellbeing
- A community development approach to supporting students’ emotional health
- A peer education project for sustainable improvements in student transitions
- The role of digital mental health support tools and the importance of the student co-production model in supporting their development
- University of Oxford: A different approach to a university-schools collaboration
- University of Kent Academies Trust: Reflections on attainment raising and school sponsorship
- Enhancing student mental health through innovation and partnership
- Closing the digital skills gap through student partnership
- Reducing graduate unemployment through productive partnerships
- Connecting physics students to regional employers through curriculum development
- Evaluating training for university staff to support the mental health of autistic students
- Many Hands project: A collaborative approach to student mental health solutions
- Evaluation
- Schools and school partnerships
- Our approach to equality of opportunity
- Addressing barriers to success
- Support for postgraduate research students
- Uni Connect
Equality of Opportunity Risk Register
- About the Equality of Opportunity Risk Register
- How to use the risk register
- Methodology
- Risks by indications of risk
- Risk 1: Knowledge and skills
- Risk 2: Information and guidance
- Risk 3: Perception of higher education
- Risk 4: Application success rates
- Risk 5: Limited choice of course type and delivery mode
- Risk 6: Insufficient academic support
- Risk 7: Insufficient personal support
- Risk 8: Mental health
- Risk 9: Ongoing impacts of coronavirus
- Risk 10: Cost pressures
- Risk 11: Capacity issues
- Risk 12: Progression from higher education
- Feedback
- Risks by student characteristic
Student characteristics
- Students from low-income households
- Risks by student characteristics
- Ethnicity
- Religion
- First in family
- Disabled students
- Mature students
- Service children
- Commuter students
- Students reporting a sexual orientation of lesbian, gay, bisexual or ‘other’ and students reporting their gender identity as not the same as the sex registered at birth
- Estranged students
- Students with parental responsibility
- Care experienced students
- Young carers
- Support for disabled students
- All information about equality of opportunity
- Equality in Higher Education Innovation Fund
Regulatory resources
- Guide to the OfS Register
- The OfS Register
- Search for access and participation plans - STAGING AREA
- Transnational education: Information for overseas regulatory agencies
- The regulatory framework for higher education in England
- Guidance from government
- All information about regulatory resources
- Regulatory notices and advice
- Monthly bulletin of regulatory activity
- Regulatory case reports
- Refused registration decisions
Student choice and flexible learning
- Institute of Coding
- Guide to skills and employment
- Postgraduate conversion courses in data science and artificial intelligence
- Supply of higher level skills
- Knowledge exchange
- Improving outcomes for local graduates
- Graduate employability case studies
- Supporting adult learners
- Validation
- Lifelong Learning Entitlement
- National Student Survey - NSS
- Discover Uni and the Discover Uni dataset
- All information about student choice and flexible learning
- Higher education short course trial
Student protection and support
- Counter-terrorism - the Prevent duty
- Student protection
- Student safeguarding evaluation and resources
Resources for student safety and wellbeing
- Student safety resources - Anglia Ruskin University
- Student safety resources - University of Bath
- Student safety resources - Bournemouth and Poole College
- Student safety resources - Coventry University
- Student safety resources - University of Exeter
- Student safety resources - University of Hull
- Student safety resources - Keele University
- Student safety resources - University of Leicester
- Student safety resources - University of Liverpool
- Student safety resources - Loughborough University
- Student safety resources - University of Portsmouth
- Student safety resources - University of Warwick
- Student safety resources - Wirral Metropolitan College
- Student safety resources - University of Bath 2
- Student safety resources - Bournemouth University
- Student safety resources - Coventry University 2
- Student safety resources - University of Huddersfield
- Student safety resources - Keele University 2
- Student safety resources - University of Central Lancashire
- Student safety resources - University of Leeds
- Student safety resources - University of Leicester 2
- Student safety resources - University of Portsmouth 2
- Student safety resources - University of Suffolk
- Student safety resources - University of Sussex
- Student safety resources - University of the West of England
- Student safety resources - University of York
- Student safety resources - University of the West of England 1
- Student safety resources - University of Bath 3
- Student safety resources - Coventry University 3
- Student safety resources - Durham University
- Student safety resources - University of Leicester 3
- Student safety resources - Nottingham Trent University
- Student safety resources - Solent University
- Value for money - what should providers do?
- Joint working between providers and the NHS to support student mental health
Student mental health
- Transition into University
- Learning, teaching and assessment
- Progression
- Support services
- Risk
- External partnerships and pathways
- Information sharing
- Staff wellbeing
- Staff development
- Proactive interventions and a mentally healthy environment
- Residential accommodation
- Social integration and belonging
- Physical environment
- Leadership, strategy and policy
- Student voice and participation
- Cohesiveness of support across the provider
- Inclusivity and Intersectional mental health
- Research, innovation and dissemination
- General resources
- Funding for student mental health
- Our role
- Student space
- What works
- Suicide provention
- All information about student protection and support
Finance and funding
- Recurrent funding
- Health education funding
- Funding competitions
- Knowledge exchange funding
- PGR funding programme - improving access
- Capital funding
- TRAC - Transparent Approach to Costing
- How we regulate financial sustainability within higher education
- Senior staff pay
- All information about finance and funding
- Monthly update
- Monthly update archive
Registering with the OfS
News, blog and events
- Press and media
- Blog
- Event search
- ILR and Unistats data returns seminar (London)
- Office for Students launch conference
- Student engagement and Prevent duty implementation
- Addressing barriers to student success - annual conference
- ILR and Unistats data returns seminar (Manchester)
- Information sharing and Prevent duty implementation (London)
- Information sharing and Prevent duty implementation (Liverpool)
- OfS HEIFES data return training for colleges London
- OfS HEIFES data return training for colleges Bristol
- OfS HEIFES data return training for colleges Manchester
- OfS HESES data return training
- Unistats 18 training webinar
- Funding data return training for providers new to OfS funding in 2019-20
- Level 4 and 5 apprenticeships: Quality assessment workshop (London)
- Level 4 and 5 apprenticeships: Quality assessment workshop (Birmingham)
- OfS consultation on access and participation London-10
- OfS consultation on access and participation Birmingham
- OfS consultation on access and participation Leeds
- OfS consultation on access and participation Bristol
- OfS consultation on access and participation London-19
- Small-scale ‘experimental’ innovation projects: Dissemination event
- Office for Students parliamentary regional briefings
- TEF Year Four provider briefing Manchester
- TEF Year Four provider briefing London
- OfS national conference on learning gain
- OfS careers evenings
- Access and participation plan 2020-21 webinars
- Insight event: Fairer access and participation
- Protecting students from hate crime and harassment
- ILR training webinar
- HESES19 seminar 10 September
- HESES19 seminar 1 October
- HESES19 seminar 8 October
- Developing new conversion courses in data science and artificial intelligence - Newcastle
- Developing new conversion courses in data science and artificial intelligence - Birmingham
- The OfS’s approach to monitoring and intervention - 22 October
- The OfS’s approach to monitoring and intervention - 23 October
- The OfS’s approach to monitoring and intervention - 7 November
- The OfS’s approach to monitoring and intervention - 12 November
- The OfS’s approach to monitoring and intervention - 21 November
- Student engagement in KE: open forum
- Insight event - improving student lives
- NCOP conference
- Addressing Barriers to Student Success programme conference
- Harassment and sexual misconduct consultation webinar
- Prevent risk assessments webinar
- Harassment and sexual misconduct consultation workshop - 25 Feb AM
- Harassment and sexual misconduct consultation workshop - 25 Feb PM
- Harassment and sexual misconduct consultation workshop - 5 March AM
- Harassment and sexual misconduct consultation workshop - 5 March PM
- Harassment and sexual misconduct student workshop - Manchester
- Harassment and sexual misconduct student workshop - Birmingham session one
- Harassment and sexual misconduct student workshop - Birmingham session two
- Harassment and sexual misconduct student workshop - London
- Mental health funding competition webinar
- Supporting Black, Asian and minority ethnic students during the coronavirus pandemic
- ILR training week one: Introduction, systems and processes
- ILR training week two: The student and entry qualifications
- ILR training week three: The course
- ILR training week four: Student engagement part one
- ILR training week five: Student engagement part two
- ILR training week six: Fees and financial support
- HESES20 training webinar session one: Introduction to HESES20 and changes from HESES19
- HESES20 training webinar session two: Categorising your students using HESES20 definitions
- HESES20 training webinar session three: Identifying and counting students to be included in HESES20
- HESES20 training webinar session four: Submission and verification of the HESES20 workbook
- HESES20 training webinar: HESES20 workbook exercises session one
- HESES20 training webinar: HESES20 workbook exercises session two
- National Student Survey review: Student workshop two
- National Student Survey review: Student workshop one
- HESES20 training webinar: HESES20 workbook exercises session three
- HESES20 training webinar: HESES20 workbook exercises session four
- Getting access and participation plans back on track
- National Student Survey review: Student union roundtable
- Insight event - Regulator and regulated: what’s the right relationship?
- Webinar: Funding competition to improve access and participation for PGR students
- Sandwich student drop-in session 19 November
- Sandwich student drop-in session 26 November
- Consultation event on regulating quality and standards in higher education
- Consultation event: new approach to Uni Connect programme
- Guide to notifications – discussion sessions
- Gravity assist: a new era for higher education?
- Lifelong options: Improving opportunities for adult learners, supporting local and national prosperity
- National Student Survey review – workshops
- Data Futures: balancing burden and benefit
- OfS Challenge Competition: Higher education short course trial
- HESES21: essential updates for experienced staff
- Introduction to OfS funding and HESES21
- HESES21 training workshop
- Categorising your students using HESES21 definitions
- Identifying and counting students to be included in HESES21
- Submission and verification of the HESES21 workbook
- Next steps in access and participation
- Refreshing our student engagement strategy
- Consultation on the TEF - extended session
- Consultation on a new approach to regulating student outcomes
- Consultation on the TEF
- Consultation on constructing indicators
- Student workshops on teaching quality in higher education
- Student workshop on teaching quality in higher education (for students in a non-university environment)
- Student workshop on a successful higher education experience (for students in a non-university environment)
- Student workshop on a successful higher education experience
- Insight event - Raising attainment, improving access, securing success
- The OfS's statement of expectations one year on
- Understanding the new quality and standards conditions
- Roundtable discussion on National Student Survey data
- Focus group on accessing and using National Student Survey data
- HESES22: essential updates for experienced staff
- Introduction to OfS funding and HESES22
- Categorising your students using HESES22 definitions
- Identifying and counting students to be included in HESES22
- Submission and verification of the HESES22 workbook
- Consultation on a new approach to regulating equality of opportunity
- TEF 2023 briefing
- How we will regulate student outcomes
- Insight event: Freedom of speech in higher education
- Regulating harassment and sexual misconduct: a webinar for students
- A new approach to regulating harassment and sexual misconduct
- Student roundtables: Consultation on regulating harassment and sexual misconduct
- 2024-25 access and participation plans: webinars for volunteer providers
- Briefing for accountable officers
- Audit committee chairs online event
- Intersectional approaches to support student mental health
- Insight event: Protecting students as consumers
- Degree apprenticeships funding webinar
- HESES23: essential updates for experienced staff
- HESES23 training webinars
- Equality of Opportunity Risk Register focus groups
- Roundtable events: Consultation on HTQs in student outcome measures
- Degree apprenticeships funding competition
- Free speech complaints scheme: student roundtables
- Student Mental Health Evidence Hub launch webinar
- Insight event: Delivering excellent technical higher education
- Introduction to the Office for Students: a webinar for all higher education staff
- Freedom of speech consultation webinars
- 2025-26 access and participation plans: webinars for providers and students
- OfS strategy regional workshops
- OfS strategy: Have your say
- Freedom of speech guidance: consultation webinars
- Feedback exercise on NSS changes - Roundtable
- Addressing financial challenges in higher education
- Degree apprenticeships funding competition: Wave 3 webinar
- Regulating harassment and sexual misconduct: webinars
- HESES24 training webinars
- HESES24: essential updates for experienced staff
- OfS student debrief: working together to improve the student experience
- OfS strategy 2025 to 2030: Have your say
- Introduction to the OfS: webinars for new chairs of governing bodies
- OfS student debrief: Are cutbacks impacting your student experience?
- Briefing on proposed reforms to OfS registration requirements
- Consultations
- NSS 2020 Analysis of impact of coronavirus charts
- Office for Students notifications
- Gravity assist: propelling higher education towards a brighter future
- Evaluation of access and participation plan reforms
- Student outcomes and teaching excellence - consultations
- Uni Connect: Guidance on priorities
- Blended learning and OfS regulation
- Annual review 2022
- Consultation on a new approach to regulating equality of opportunity - analysis of responses
- Annual review 2023
- Regulatory framework for higher education in England
Data and analysis
- Official statistics
- Continuation and transfer rates
- Previously published data and analysis
- Young participation by area
- Differences in student outcomes
- Amendments to data
- The effect of postgraduate loans
- Intentions After Graduation Survey
- TRAC data
- Supplying data
- Graduate earnings data on Discover Uni
- Data checking tool
- Data assurance
- Post-collection outputs
- Data collection
- Student number data
- Data Futures programme
- Benchmarking
- Insight briefs
- Access and participation data dashboard
- Changes in healthcare student numbers
- Associations between characteristics of students
- Student outcomes data dashboard
- Monitoring data and outcomes: 2017-18 access agreements and student premium funding
- TEF data dashboard
- Size and shape of provision data dashboard
- Access and participation plan data
- Sector distribution of student outcomes and experience measures data dashboard
- Data dashboards: FAQs
- Student characteristics data
- Student outcome and experience measures
- Data used in TEF 2023
- National Student Survey data
- Transparency return 2019 applications data
- A geography of employment
- ILR training
Student outcomes and experiences data dashboards
- Exploring student outcomes dashboard
- Sector distributions of student outcomes dashboard
- Comparing completion measures dashboard
- Student outcomes by provider - example dashboard
- TEF by provider - example dashboard
- Size and shape of provision by provider - example dashboard
- Frequently asked questions about the student outcome and experience data dashboards
- About the student outcome and experience data dashboards
- Annual Financial Return sector-level data for financial years ending in 2021
- Subcontractual partnership student outcomes dashboard
- What we do
How we are run
- How we are funded
- Our relationship with government
- Our responsibilities to our staff, stakeholders and society
- Who we are
- Our strategy
- Our business plan
- Operational measures
Board papers
- OfS board meeting, 29 January 2018
- OfS board meeting, 26 March 2018
- OfS board meeting, 29 May 2018
- OfS board meeting, 26 July 2018
- OfS board meeting, 26 September 2018
- OfS board meeting, 6 December 2018
- OfS board meeting, 28 January 2019
- OfS board meeting, 26 March 2019
- OfS board meeting, 15 May 2019
- OfS board meeting, 3 July 2019
- OfS board meeting, 26 September 2019
- OfS board meeting, 27 November 2019
- OfS board meeting, 28 January 2020
- OfS board meeting, 16 March 2020
- OfS board meeting, 21 May 2020
- OfS board meeting, 2 July 2020
- OfS board meeting, 22 September 2020
- OfS board meeting, 1 December 2020
- OfS board meeting, 3 February 2021
- OfS board meeting, 9 March 2021
- OfS board meeting, 22 April 2021
- OfS board meeting, 13 May 2021
- OfS board meeting, 13 July 2021
- OfS board meeting, 23 September 2021
- OfS board meeting, 2 December 2021
- OfS board meeting, 3 February 2022
- OfS board meeting, 24 March 2022
- OfS board meeting, 26 May 2022
- OfS board meeting, 13 July 2022
- OfS board meeting, 30 September 2022
- OfS board meeting, 8 December 2022
- OfS board meeting, 3 February 2023
- OfS board meeting, 30 March 2023
- OfS board meeting, 25 May 2023
- OfS board meeting, 4 July 2023
- OfS board meeting, 28 September 2023
- OfS board meeting, 12 December 2023
- OfS board meeting, 8 February 2024
- OfS board meeting, 23 May 2024
- OfS board meeting, 4 July 2024
- OfS board meeting, 9 October 2024
- Our engagement with providers
- Equality and diversity
Key performance measures
- KPM 1: Extent of poor student outcomes
- KPM 2: Student outcomes for all registered providers
- KPM 3: Assessment and awards
- KPM 4: Students’ views on aspects of quality
- KPM 5: Access to higher education
- KPM 6: Success and progression
- KPM 7: Degree attainment by ethnicity
- KPM 8: Student choice
- KPM 9: Value for money
- KPM 10: Student protection
- KPM 11: Efficient regulation
- Public funding and the costs of regulation
- Get involved
- Procurement
- Site Map
- Deadlines
- Careers
- Site Search
- Cookies
- Sign up for email alerts
- Give feedback on the Office for Students website
- Annual review 2019
- Alternative formats
- Accessibility statement for the Office for Students website
- Annual review 2020
- Annual review 2021
- Discover Uni: Department for Education Transparency in Advertising resources
- Survey on OfS monthly newsletter
- OfS strategy for 2025 to 2030
For students
Describe your experience of using this website