Supplying data

Request or modify a learning aim

Learning aim information, such as qualification type and the Learn Direct Classification System (LDCS) code(s), enable providers that submit ILR data to determine:

  • if a course is classed as recognised higher education for OfS funding purposes
  • the price group assignment for the course when completing the HESES return.

Providers should apply for a learning aim when they set up the course rather than when they first need to return data. It is essential that providers register learning aims with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in advance of returning data.

Contact the ESFA service centre to register a new learning aim

If there are any issues with the information recorded against a learning aim on the database, you should contact the ESFA service centre to request that the information is corrected. You may need to supply evidence to support any changes.

Please note: The OfS will require evidence that learning aims have been requested, or any modifications have been actioned, before the learning aims are used in any returns.

Last updated 03 November 2020
02 November 2020
Small updates, including updated contact information.

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