Insight briefs
Our Insight briefs give an overview of current issues and developments in higher education, drawing on the data, knowledge and understanding available to us as the regulator for universities and colleges in England.

Latest brief
Findings from OfS quality assessments
(October 2024) This Insight brief examines the main risks to quality emerging from our published reports.
Previous briefs
Subcontractual arrangements in higher education
(September 2024) This brief examines the nature of subcontractual arrangements and how to mitigate the risks they carry.
Navigating financial challenges in higher education
(May 2024) This Insight brief looks at financial data from universities and colleges in England which suggests that the higher education sector is facing considerable financial pressure.
Meeting the mental health needs of students
(October 2023) This Insight brief re-examines mental health among students, analysing the latest student outcomes data, summarising our work and indicating next steps.
Protecting students as consumers
(June 2023) This brief looks at students as consumers, how they are covered by consumer protection law, and how the OfS’s regulation protects consumer rights.
Transnational education
(May 2023) This Insight brief draws on he latest data to outline the scale and shape of higher education delivered across national borders to students living abroad, and how we regulate it.
Studying during rises in the cost of living
(March 2023) This Insight brief explores the effect on students of price increases, including our own data and other recent research, and some of the actions taken by universities and colleges.
Freedom to question, challenge and debate
(December 2022) This Insight brief discusses the regulatory and legal landscape relating to freedom of expression and academic freedom, and the evolution of our role in regulating this area.
Tackling sexual misconduct in universities and colleges
(November 2022) This Insight brief looks at universities’ role in protecting students from sexual assault and sexual misconduct, summarises data on its prevalence and effects, and considers what can be done.
Maintaining the credibility of degrees
(July 2022) This Insight brief examines the rise in higher degree classifications, analyses how far this may reflect improved attainment, and how our regulation responds when it does not.
Schools, attainment and the role of higher education
(April 2022) This Insight brief explores the long-term disparities in attainment between pupils that begin at primary school, and how universities, colleges and schools can address them.
Learning more about international students
(March 2022) This Insight brief explores the unique needs of international students at English universities and colleges, and how to ensure they can integrate and receive a fulfilling experience.
Place matters: Inequality, employment and the role of higher education
(November 2021) This Insight brief looks at geographical disparities affecting students and graduates, especially in rural and coastal areas, and the ways in which they are being addressed.
The National Student Survey: Student experience during the pandemic
(July 2021) This Insight brief uses the 2021 National Student Survey results to look at the impact of the pandemic on the student experience, including special arrangements made by universities and colleges.
Improving opportunity and choice for mature students
(May 2021) This Insight brief considers changes in the prevalence of mature students, and what the government and the OfS are doing to nurture growth in this area.
Consistency needed: Care experienced students and higher education
(April 2021) This Insight brief looks at the obstacles faced by students who spent time in local authority care as children and how they can be addressed, including the recommendations of a recent report.
A matter of principles: Regulating in the student interest
(October 2020) This Insight brief explores the idea of principles-based regulation, and how it informs the OfS’s approach to reviewing and resetting our regulatory requirements.
The National Student Survey: Consistency, controversy and change
(February 2020) This Insight brief explores the themes of consistency, controversy and change that have characterised the National Student Survey over the past 15 years.
Mental health: Are all students being properly supported?
(November 2019) This Insight brief considers effective practice for improving mental health among students, the needs of those with mental health conditions and the role of universities and colleges.
Beyond the bare minimum: Are universities and colleges doing enough for disabled students?
(October 2019) This Insight brief explores the experiences of disabled students, including data regarding disclosure, teaching and inclusive practices, and funding and legal protection.
Contextual admissions: Promoting fairness and rethinking merit
(May 2019) This Insight brief looks at practical examples of contextual admissions and other approaches to achieving fair access through diverse entry routes.
Degree apprenticeships: A viable alternative?
(March 2019) This Insight brief considers degree apprenticeships as an alternative route to a higher education qualification, including what is working and what may need developing further.
Unconditional offers: Serving the interests of students?
(January 2019) This Insight brief examines the recent sharp rise in the number of unconditional offers made to prospective students, and whether this limits or facilitates student ambition.
22 October 2024 - Latest Insight brief 'Findings from OfS quality assessments' published.
03 September 2024 - Latest Insight brief 'Subcontractual arrangements in higher education' published.
16 May 2024 - Page updated to included the latest brief on navigating financial challenges in higher education.
11 December 2023 - Page format updated.
15 June 2023 - Latest Insight brief on 'Protecting students as consumers' published
23 May 2023 - Latest Insight brief on 'Transnational education: Protecting the interests of students taught abroad' published
17 March 2023 - Latest Insight brief on 'Studying during rises in the cost of living' published
10 November 2022 - The latest Insight brief on 'Tackling sexual misconduct in universities and colleges' has been added.
20 July 2022 - The latest Insight brief on 'Maintaining the credibility of degrees' has been added.
07 April 2022 - The latest Insight brief on 'Schools, attainment and the role of higher education' has been added.
16 March 2022 - Insight brief 'Learning more about international students' published
04 November 2021 - The latest Insight brief on 'Place matters' has been added.
15 July 2021 - The latest insight brief on the NSS has been added.
27 May 2021 - Improving opportunity and choice for mature students Insight brief added
09 April 2021 - Consistency needed: Care experienced students and higher education Insight brief published
06 October 2020 - A matter of principles: Regulating in the student interest Insight brief published
19 February 2020 - National Student Survey Insight brief published
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