Official statistic

Key performance measure 2

Student outcomes for all registered providers

KPM 2 measures overall student outcomes across all registered higher education providers and compares these to the numerical thresholds we have set.

Overall student outcomes indicators across all providers, compared to our numerical thresholds

One of our strategic goals is that students receive a high quality academic experience that improves their knowledge and skills. Our strategy says that one way in which we will achieve this is by ensuring that all providers satisfy our minimum requirements for student outcomes. We set numerical thresholds for student outcomes that we use when making judgements about whether an individual provider has met these minimum requirements.

If our approach to regulating student outcomes is working, we anticipate that continuation, completion and progression rates across registered higher education providers will increase over time. Overall student outcomes, across registered providers, will be maintained above our numerical thresholds.

KPM 2 shows that overall, sector-level measures (continuation, completion and progression) are above our numerical thresholds for all modes and levels of study in the most recent year.

For continuation, the most recent data shows that the indicator furthest above our numerical threshold is for undergraduate apprenticeship students. Across all providers, 88.6 per cent of undergraduate apprenticeship students continue their studies after the first year, which is 18.6 percentage points above our numerical threshold of 70.0 per cent for this indicator.

The continuation indicator in the most recent data that is closest to the numerical threshold we have set is for part-time first degree students. Across all providers, 57.4 per cent of part-time first degree students continue their studies after two years, which is 2.4 percentage points above our numerical threshold of 55.0 per cent for this indicator.

For completion, the most recent data shows that the indicator furthest above our numerical threshold is for undergraduate apprenticeship students. Across all providers, 80.4 per cent of these students complete a higher education qualification, which is 25.4 percentage points above our numerical threshold of 55.0 per cent for this indicator.

The completion indicator in the most recent data that is closest to the numerical threshold we have set is for postgraduate apprenticeship students. Across all providers, 81.3 per cent of these students complete a higher education qualification, which is 1.3 percentage points above our numerical threshold of 80.0 per cent for this indicator.

For progression, the most recent data shows that the indicator furthest above our numerical threshold is for undergraduate apprenticeship students. Across all providers, 94.7 per cent of these students progress to professional or managerial employment, further study, or other positive outcomes which is 19.7 percentage points above our numerical threshold of 75.0 per cent for this indicator.

The progression indicator in the most recent data that is closest to the numerical threshold we have set is for part-time postgraduate taught masters students. Across all providers, 92.2 per cent of these students progress to professional or managerial employment, further study, or other positive outcomes which is 7.2 percentage points above our numerical threshold of 85.0 per cent for this indicator.

The continuation, completion and progression indicators used in KPM 2 are the same as those used in our regulation of student outcomes. The indicators are calculated from individualised student data from the Designated Data Body (DDB) Student Record and the Individualised Learner Record from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). OfS-registered providers submit data as required to the relevant data body. A subset of providers not registered with the OfS also submit data to these data bodies. The progression measure also links this individualised student data to survey responses from the Graduate Outcomes survey.

Table 1 shows the version of data used for the KPM calculations. Previously published KPM values remain unchanged by recent data amendments affecting earlier years of data.

Table 1

Year of entry/year of qualifying date

Data used for the calculation

Continuation: years 1 to 4

Completion: years 1 to 4

Progression: years 1 to 3

Data submitted and signed off by the providers accountable officer or approved data amendments signed off by 20 July 2022

Continuation: year 5

Completion: year 5

Progression: year 4

Data submitted and signed off by the providers accountable officer or approved data amendments signed off by 5 May 2023

Continuation: year 6

Completion: year 6

Progression: year 5

Data submitted and signed off by the providers accountable officer or approved amendments signed off by 29 May 2024.

Providers were required to submit 2022-23 DDB student data using a new data model and a new data platform, and the data collection encountered a number of delays. Consequently, additional risks for the quality of data were tolerated in some areas of the 2022-23 data returns and we are assessing the impacts of those additional risks for each OfS data output on a case-by-case basis. For this data output, our data quality assessment has indicated that the additional risks have not impacted on the reliability of the data in a material way.

Continuation outcomes are measured by identifying a cohort of entrants to higher education qualifications and following them through the early stages of their course to track how many continue in active study or qualify one year and 15 days after they started (two years and 15 days for part-time students).

Completion outcomes are measured by identifying a cohort of entrants to higher education qualifications and following them through subsequent years of their course to track how many continue in active study or qualify four years and 15 days after they started (six years and 15 days for part-time students).

Progression outcomes are measured as the proportion of Graduate Outcomes survey respondents who reported they have progressed to professional or managerial employment, further study or other positive outcomes, 15 months after gaining their qualification. The data is restricted to UK-domiciled qualifiers.

Further information about the indicator definitions can be found in the document ‘Description of student outcome and experience measures used in OfS regulation’.

KPM 2 aggregates the number of students in registered providers who have achieved a positive outcome in the indicator (either continuation, completion, or progression) for each combination of mode and level of study. This number is then divided by the total number of students across all registered providers in the population (denominator) for the relevant indicator, mode and level.

KPM 2 is based on the population of students primarily studying in the UK and taught or registered by OfS-registered providers. This encompasses students that are registered with and taught by an OfS-registered provider, or (where data is available) are taught by an OfS-registered provider under a sub-contractual partnership arrangement with a different provider or students who are registered at an OfS-registered provider but taught by an non-OFS registered provider.

KPM 2 does not take account of judgements we may make about whether an individual provider has met our minimum requirements for student outcomes. Our approach to making such judgements is set out in regulatory advice 20.

The chart above gives upper and lower limits of a 95 per cent confidence interval around each indicator value (hover the pointer over data points on the chart to see this information). These confidence intervals illustrate the uncertainty around the statistics. Statistical uncertainty for student outcomes indicators is more fully represented through our student outcomes data dashboard, which contains the data used in KPM 2.

The first four years of data (three years for progression) shown for this KPM include providers that were registered with the OfS as of 30 September 2022. Later years of the time series include providers who were registered with the OfS at the point of publication of the summer release of student outcomes data. This means the number of providers included in each year will vary.

Contact us

If you have any queries, feedback or suggestions about KPM 2, please contact Rachel Knight at [email protected].

Published 08 September 2022
Last updated 17 September 2024
17 September 2024
Annual update to data.
08 August 2023
Annual update to data.

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