Description and definition of student outcome and experience measures

This document describes the standard set of student outcome and experience measures the OfS uses in our regulation of student outcomes and access and participation, and to inform assessments through the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). It explains how we construct and present the data indicators we have published in a series of interactive data dashboards.

We have also published our data definitions in the form of algorithms that can be applied to individualised student records collected annually by the Designated Data Body (DDB) or the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

These resources form part of a wider set of technical documentation that can support providers to understand our construction of student outcome and experience indicators.

OfS 2022.55
25 July 2024
Published 30 September 2022
Last updated 25 July 2024
25 July 2024
Published new editions of the 3 files and archived earlier editions.
16 June 2023
The ‘Technical algorithms for student outcome and experience measures: 2023 core algorithms’ document published on 28 March 2023 was updated in June 2023 to correct the definition of the IPCONTEXTPOP field used to identify the contextual populations reported in the size and shape of provision data dashboards. A methodological oversight meant that a qualifier who was (correctly) not included in the all students contextual population for a given year (on account of their course following an academic year which spans multiple data reporting periods, for example, to avoid double counting), was unintentionally excluded from the qualifiers contextual population. See page 71 of the document.
28 March 2023
Published new editions of the 3 files and added an archive for earlier editions.

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