Student outcome and experience measures

Documents describing our measures and definitions

To help higher education providers and other users to understand the methods that we use to produce student outcome and experience measures, we have published a series of documents providing:

  • Descriptions of the measures and the methods used to construct and present them, which can be used to better understand our approach.
  • Technical descriptions of the categorisations (or algorithms) applied to individualised student data records to generate our measures.
  • Instructions for providers to rebuild our student outcome and experience measures from their individualised data files, which providers can use alongside the algorithms document to understand which students have contributed to our measures, and how those students contributed.
  • The sector averages that our benchmarking calculations use to construct provider indicator benchmarks, which can be used to understand how the outcomes and experiences of a providers students compare to similar students in the sector as a whole.

The documents published here relate to the outputs published in 2024 in support of our work on access and participation, regulation of student outcomes and the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). They align with the approach described in our consultation on the construction of student outcome and experience indicators. We update these documents every year. Editions of these documents produced in earlier years remain available in the archive below.

2024 algorithms

Algorithms for student outcomes and experience measures

While all of the algorithms described in these documents are relevant to production of our student outcome and experience measures, we also use some of them in other analysis and statistics. For example, algorithms found in our core algorithms documents are used as the basis for the definitions of published data on the student characteristics data and our own key performance measures.

Published 07 May 2020
Last updated 03 September 2024
03 September 2024
2024 ‘Description of student outcome and experience measures used in OfS regulation’ updated to correct formatting
25 July 2024
2024 documents published.
06 July 2023
The ‘2023 rebuild instructions for student outcome and experience measures’ document published on 16 June 2023 was updated in July 2023. Table 2 was updated to add the July 2023 publication of access and participation, student outcomes and sector distributions data dashboards. This publication updates the progression indicators to incorporate Graduate Outcomes survey responses from graduates in the 2020-21 academic year.
16 June 2023
The ‘2023 rebuild instructions for student outcome and experience measures’ document published on 28 March 2023 was updated in June 2023 to reflect revised instructions for rebuilding counts of students in the contextual populations reported in the size and shape of provision data dashboards. This follows a correction to the count of students in the qualifiers contextual population. See page 31 of the document.
12 April 2023
2023 benchmarking sector averages spreadsheet published
28 March 2023
2023 documents published
14 October 2022
Documentation published: Rebuild instructions for September 2022 data resources; Sector averages for calculating benchmarks.
30 September 2022
Published documentation for the algorithms to support regulation of student outcomes and the TEF.
26 July 2022
Minor update to reflect that the analyses of responses to the consultations on student outcomes and teaching excellence have been published
24 March 2022
2022 algorithm documents published
20 January 2022
Minor changes and link added to consultations on proposals for our regulation of quality and standards.

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