Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes in Higher Education
What does TASO do?
TASO is currently researching and evaluating the impact of access and participation interventions across the student lifecycle. It also provides an evidence toolkit and evaluation guidance for providers to use.
TASO has four key research themes:
- Theme 1: Effectiveness of widening participation outreach
- This includes projects focused on mature learners, care experienced learners, summer schools, and multi-intervention outreach and mentoring.
- Theme 2: Gaps in the student experience
- This includes projects focused on race equality gapsĀ and online teaching and learning.
- Theme 3: Employment and employability
- Theme 4: Disability and mental health
- This includes the OfS-funded Student Mental Health Evidence Hub.
Published 18 November 2021
Last updated 19 October 2023 + show all updates
Last updated 19 October 2023 + show all updates
19 October 2023 - Added link to TASO's Student Mental Health Evidence Hub.
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