Post-collection outputs

Archive outputs

Archived ILR data

2021-22 ILR data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2021-22 post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2021-22 post-collection outputs’ group will only be granted by the portal user administrator. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2021-22 student number post-collection outputs

The 2021-22 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2021-22 Student, Student Alternative and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

2021-22 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs

The 2021-22 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs provide the individualised data used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2021-22. These figures are produced using the 2021-22 Student, Student Alternative and ILR data.

Funding data summaries

2022-23 degree apprenticeship allocation

The degree apprenticeship funding data summary shows how the 2021-22 ILR data was used in the calculation of this allocation for each provider.

2023-24 student premiums

The 2023-24 student premium funding data summary shows how we calculate these targeted allocations for each provider.

Reconciliation exercise HESES21 comparison

The HESES21 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES21 data to HESES21 data recreated using the 2021-22 ILR data and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data.

Calculating 2021-22 student numbers: technical document

The algorithms applied to Student record, Student Alternative record and ILR data, to determine a provider’s higher education and further education student numbers.

The 2021-22 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2021-22 student numbers: technical document and rebuild instructions’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage.

Transparency 2023 information: 2021-22 transparency attainment data summary

The algorithms applied to Student record, HESA Student alternative record and ILR data, used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2021-22 which constitutes a provider’s Transparency 2023 information, are available in Condition F1 - Transparency 2023 information: Specification and publication guidance.

2021-22 ILR post-collection outputs

2021-22 ILR PCOs - HESES21 comparison technical document

2021-22 ILR PCOs - HESES21 comparison rebuild instructions

2021-22 ILR PCOs - Degree apprenticeship allocation data

2021-22 ILR post-collection outputs - 2023-24 student premium technical document

2021-22 Post-collection outputs - 2023-24 student premium method document


2020-21 ILR data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2020-21 Post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2020-21 Post-collection outputs’ group will only be granted by the portal user administrator. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2020-21 Student number post-collection outputs

The 2020-21 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2020-21 HESA Student, HESA Student Alternative and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

2020-21 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs

The 2020-21 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs provide the individualised data used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2020-21. These figures are produced using the 2020-21 HESA Student, HESA Student Alternative and ILR data.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate these targeted allocations for each provider.

Reconciliation exercise HESES20 comparison

The HESES20 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES20 data to HESES20 data recreated using the 2020-21 ILR data and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data.

Calculating 2020-21 student numbers: technical document

The algorithms applied to HESA Student record, HESA Student Alternative record and ILR data, to determine a provider’s higher education and further education student numbers.

The 2020-21 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2020-21 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage.

Transparency 2022 information: 2020-21 transparency attainment data summary

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA alternative provider student record and ILR data, used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2020-21 which constitutes a provider’s Transparency 2022 information, are available in Condition F1 - Transparency 2022 information: Specification and publication guidance.

2020-21 ILR post-collection outputs

HESES20 comparison technical document

HESES20 comparison rebuild instructions

2020-21 ILR post-collection outputs - Student premium technical document
This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2020-21 ILR data to calculate the 2022-23 student premium allocations.

2020-21 Post-collection outputs - Student premium method document
This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2022-23. Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs.

2019-20 ILR data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2019-20 Post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2019-20 Post-collection outputs’ group will only be granted by the portal user administrator. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2019-20 Student number post-collection outputs

The 2019-20 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2019-20 HESA student, HESA student alternative and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

2019-20 Transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs

The 2019-20 Transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs provide the individualised data used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2019-20. These figures are produced using the 2019-20 HESA student, HESA student alternative and ILR data.

ILR data quality check

The 2019-20 ILR data quality check comprises data checks for HE student instances, covering unknown values key to analyses, credibility checks for consistency across fields, continuity between the current and previous year, as well as student demographics counts. This output will be run on the released ILR 2019-20 data.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate these targeted allocations for each provider.

Reconciliation exercise HESES19 comparison

The HESES19 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES19 data to HESES19 data recreated using the 2019-20 ILR data and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data.

Calculating 2019-20 student numbers: technical document

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA alternative provider student record and ILR data, to determine a provider’s higher education and further education student numbers.

The 2019-20 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2019-20 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage).

Transparency 2021 information: 2019-20 transparency attainment data summary

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA alternative provider student record and ILR data, used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2019-20 which constitutes a provider’s Transparency 2021 information, are available in Condition F1 - Transparency 2021 information: Specification and publication guidance.

2019-20 ILR post-collection outputs

HESES19 comparison technical document

HESES19 comparison rebuild instructions

Student premium method document

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2021-22. Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs.

Student premium technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2019-20 ILR data to calculate the 2021-22 student premium allocations.

Price group C1 technical document

This document describes the methodology for calculating the number of FTEs returned in HESES20 (or HESF21) that are assigned to price groups C1.1 and C1.2. Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs.

2018-19 ILR data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2018-19 post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2018-19 post-collection outputs’ area can be granted by your provider's nominated OfS portal user administrator. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2018-19 student number post-collection outputs

The 2018-19 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2018-19 HESA student, HESA AP student and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate two targeted allocations for each provider:

  • Premium to support successful student outcomes: full-time
  • Disabled students’ premium.

We determine the headcounts in the summary using the following datasets:

  • ILR R14
  • The National Pupil Database
  • Young higher education participation rates by 2011 Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) in England and Wales, by 2011 Super Output Area (SOA) in Northern Ireland and by 2001 Intermediate Zone in Scotland.
  • Proportion of 16-74 year olds with a higher education qualification by 2001 census small area statistics ward.

For further information on the funding methods and datasets used to calculate the targeted allocations shown in the summary, see the method document.

The SP individualised file contains data from the datasets listed above, and fields that we have derived from them. For data protection reasons, we do not show the details of data related to Level 3 qualifications on entry.

Some of the derived fields from the HEIFES comparison are used to calculate the SP derived fields. The individualised file containing these fields is provided alongside the HEIFES comparison as part of the reconciliation exercise.

The algorithms for the derived fields in the SP and HEIFES18 comparison individualised files are included in the technical documents.

Reconciliation exercise HEIFES18 comparison

The HEIFES18 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HEIFES18 data to HEIFES18 data recreated using the 2018-19 ILR data and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data:

The 2018-19 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2018-19 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage).

2018-19 ILR post-collection outputs: HEIFES18 comparison technical document

This document describes the HEIFES18 comparison files supplied as part of the post-collection outputs and the algorithms used to generate the data needed to recreate HEIFES18 from 2018-19 ILR data.

2018-19 ILR post-collection outputs: HEIFES18 comparison rebuild instructions

This document describes how the HEIFES18 re-creation data can be rebuilt from the HEIFES18 comparison individualised file.

2018-19 ILR post-collection outputs: Student premium technical document 

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2018-19 ILR data to calculate the 2020-21 student premium allocations.

2018-19 post-collection outputs: Student premium method document

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2020-21. 

Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA AP Student post-collection outputs.

2017-18 ILR data

The post-collection outputs are downloadable from the OfS portal. To download them you will need to gain access to the relevant area of the portal using the access key provided to your accountable officer. The area is titled ‘2017-18 post-collection outputs’ and contains the following outputs:

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate two targeted allocations for each provider:

  • Premium to support successful student outcomes: full-time
  • Disabled students’ premium.

We determine the headcounts in the summary using the following datasets:

  • ILR R14
  • The National Pupil Database
  • Young higher education participation rates by 2011 Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) in England and Wales, by 2001 Super Output Area (SOA) in Northern Ireland and by 2001 Intermediate Zone in Scotland.
  • Proportion of 16-74 year olds with a higher education qualification by 2001 census small area statistics ward.

For further information on the funding methods and datasets used to calculate the targeted allocations shown in the summary, see the method document.

The SP individualised file contains data from the datasets listed above, and fields that we have derived from them. For data protection reasons, we do not show data related to Level 3 qualifications on entry if it is sourced from the ILR R14 and National Pupil Database datasets.

Some of the derived fields from the HEIFES comparison are used to calculate the SP derived fields. The individualised file containing these fields is provided alongside the HEIFES comparison as part of the reconciliation exercise.

The algorithms for the derived fields in the SP and HEIFES17 comparison individualised files are included in the technical documents.

Reconciliation exercise HEIFES17 comparison

The HEIFES17 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HEIFES17 data to HEIFES17 data recreated using the 2017-18 ILR data and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data:

2017-18 ILR post-collection outputs: Student premium technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2017-18 Individualised Learner Record (ILR) R14 data in order to calculate the 2019-20 student premium (SP) allocations.

2017-18 post-collection outputs: Student premium method document

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2019-20.

2017-18 ILR post-collection outputs: HEIFES17 comparison technical document

This document describes the HEIFES17 comparison files supplied as part of the post-collection outputs and the algorithms used to generate the data needed to recreate HEIFES17 from 2017-18 ILR data.

2017-18 ILR post-collection outputs: HEIFES17 comparison rebuild instructions

This document describes how the HEIFES17 re-creation data can be rebuilt from the HEIFES17 comparison individualised file.

2016-17 ILR data

The post-collection outputs are downloadable from the OfS portal. To download them you will need to gain access to the relevant area of the portal using the access key provided to your head of institution. The area is titled ‘2016-17 ILR post-collection outputs’ and contains the following outputs:

Funding data summary for student premium targeted allocations

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate two targeted allocations for each provider:

  • Premium to support successful student outcomes: full-time

  • Disabled students’ premium.

We determine the headcounts in the summary using the following datasets:

  • ILR R14 and the National Pupil Database

  • Young higher education participation rates by 2001 census area statistics ward

  • Proportion of 16-74 year olds with a higher education qualification by 2001 census small area statistics ward.

For further information on the funding methods and datasets used to calculate the targeted allocations shown in the summary, see the method document.

The SP individualised file contains data from the datasets listed above, and fields that we have derived from them. For data protection reasons, we exclude data related to level 3 qualifications on entry if it is sourced from the ILR R14 and National Pupil Database datasets.

Some of the derived fields from the HEIFES comparison are used to calculate the SP derived fields. The individualised file containing these fields is provided alongside the HEIFES comparison as part of the reconciliation exercise.

The algorithms for the derived fields in the SP and HEIFES comparison individualised files are included in the technical documents.

Reconciliation exercise HEIFES16 comparison

The HEIFES16 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HEIFES16 data to HEIFES16 data recreated using the 2016-17 ILR data and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data:

2016-17 ILR post-collection outputs: Student premium technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2016-17 Individualised Learner Record (ILR) R14 data, which are used to calculate the 2018-19 student premium (SP) allocations.

2016-17 HESA and ILR post-collection outputs: Student premium method document

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2018-19.

2016-17 ILR post-collection outputs: HEIFES16 comparison technical document

This document describes the HEIFES16 comparison files supplied as part of the post-collection outputs and the algorithms used to generate the data needed to recreate HEIFES16 from 2016-17 ILR data.

2016-17 ILR post-collection outputs: HEIFES16 comparison rebuild instruction

This document describes how the HEIFES re-creation data can be rebuilt from the HEIFES16 comparison individualised file.

Archived student data 

2021-22 Student data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2021-22 post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2021-22 post-collection outputs’ group will only be granted by the portal user administrator. More information on each of the outputs is provided below

2021-22 student number post-collection outputs

The 2021-22 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2021-22 Student, Student Alternative and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

2021-22 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs

The 2021-22 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs provide the individualised data used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2021-22. These figures are produced using the 2021-22 Student, Student Alternative and ILR data.

Funding data summaries

2022-23 degree apprenticeship allocation

The degree apprenticeship funding data summary shows how the 2021-22 Student and ILR data was used in the calculation of this allocation for each provider.

2023-24 student premiums

The 2023-24 student premium funding data summary shows how we calculate these targeted allocations for each provider.

Reconciliation exercise HESES21 comparison

The HESES21 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES21 data to HESES21 data recreated using the 2021-22 Student data and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data.

Calculating 2021-22 student numbers: technical document

The algorithms applied to HESA Student record, HESA Student Alternative record and ILR data, to determine a provider’s higher education and further education student numbers.

The 2021-22 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2021-22 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage.

Transparency 2023 information: 2021-22 transparency attainment data summary

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA alternative provider student record and ILR data, used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2021-22 which constitutes a provider’s Transparency 2023 information, are available in Condition F1 - Transparency 2023 information: Specification and publication guidance.

2021-22 Student post-collection outputs

2021-22 HESA Student PCOs - HESES21 comparison technical document

2021-22 HESA Student PCOs - HESES21 comparison rebuild instructions

2021-22 Student PCOs - Degree apprenticeship allocation data

2021-22 Student post-collection outputs - 2023-24 student premium technical document

2021-22 Post-collection outputs - 2023-24 student premium method document


2020-21 HESA Student data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2020-21 Post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2020-21 Post-collection outputs’ group will only be granted by the portal user administrator. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2020-21 student number post-collection outputs

The 2020-21 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2020-21 HESA Student, HESA Student Alternative and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

2020-21 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs

The 2020-21 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs provide the individualised data used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2020-21. These figures are produced using the 2020-21 HESA Student, HESA Student Alternative and ILR data.

AFR21 higher education student FTEs data summary

The AFR21 higher education student FTEs data summary is intended to help providers understand in detail how the HESA Student data can be used to populate the FTEs in the AFR21. The output contains Year 1 and Year 2 FTEs, derived from the 2019-20 and 2020-21 HESA Student data.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate these targeted allocations for each provider.

Reconciliation exercise HESES20 comparison

The HESES20 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES20 data to HESES20 data recreated using the 2020-21 HESA Student data, and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data.

Calculating 2020-21 student numbers: technical document

The algorithms applied to HESA Student record, HESA Student Alternative record and ILR data, to determine a provider’s higher education and further education student numbers.

The 2020-21 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2020-21 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage).

Transparency 2022 information: 2020-21 transparency attainment data summary

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA alternative provider student record and ILR data, used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2020-21 which constitutes a provider’s Transparency 2022 information, are available in Condition F1 - Transparency 2022 information: Specification and publication guidance.

2020-21 HESA Student post-collection outputs

HESES20 comparison technical document

HESES20 comparison rebuild instructions

2020-21 Post-collection outputs - Student premium method document
This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2022-23. Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs.

2020-21 HESA Student post-collection outputs - Student premium technical document
This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2020-21 HESA Student data to calculate the 2022-23 student premium allocations.

2020-21 HESA Student post-collection outputs AFR21 higher education student FTEs technical document
This document describes the AFR21 higher education student FTEs data summary files supplied as part of the 2020-21 HESA Student post-collection outputs, and the algorithms used to generate the data needed to recreate the AFR21 higher education student FTEs from HESA Student data.

2019-20 HESA Student data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2019-20 Post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2019-20 Post-collection outputs’ group will only be granted by the portal user administrator. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2019-20 student number post-collection outputs

The 2019-20 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2019-20 HESA student, HESA student alternative and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

2019-20 Transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs

The 2019-20 Transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs provide the individualised data used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2019-20. These figures are produced using the 2019-20 HESA student, HESA student alternative and ILR data.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate these targeted allocations for each provider.

Reconciliation exercise HESES19 comparison

The HESES19 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES19 data to HESES19 data recreated using the 2019-20 HESA student data, and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data.

Calculating 2019-20 student numbers: technical document

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA alternative provider student record and ILR data, to determine a provider’s higher education and further education student numbers.

The 2019-20 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2019-20 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage).

Transparency 2021 information: 2019-20 Transparency attainment data summary

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA alternative provider student record and ILR data, used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2019-20 which constitutes a provider’s Transparency 2021 information, are available in Condition F1 - Transparency 2021 information: Specification and publication guidance.

2019-20 HESA Student post-collection outputs

HESES19 comparison technical document

HESES19 comparison rebuild instructions

Student premium method document

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2021-22. Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs.

Student premium technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2019-20 HESA Student data to calculate the 2021-22 student premium allocations.

Price group C1 technical document

This document describes the methodology for calculating the number of FTEs returned in HESES20 (or HESF21) that are assigned to price groups C1.1 and C1.2. Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs.

2018-19 HESA Student data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2018-19 post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2018-19 post-collection outputs’ area can be granted by your provider's nominated OfS portal user administrator. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2018-19 student number post-collection outputs

The 2018-19 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2018-19 HESA student, HESA AP student and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate two targeted allocations for each provider:

  • Premium to support successful student outcomes: full-time
  • Disabled students’ premium.

We determine the headcounts in the summary using the following datasets:

  • HESA student data
  • ILR R14
  • The National Pupil Database
  • Young higher education participation rates by 2011 Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) in England and Wales, by 2011 Super Output Area (SOA) in Northern Ireland and by 2001 Intermediate Zone in Scotland.
  • Proportion of 16-74 year olds with a higher education qualification by 2001 census small area statistics ward.

For further information on the funding methods and datasets used to calculate the targeted allocations shown in the summary, see the method document.

The SP individualised file contains data from the datasets listed above, and fields that we have derived from them. For data protection reasons, we do not show data related to Level 3 qualifications on entry if it is sourced from the ILR R14 and National Pupil Database datasets.

Some of the derived fields from the HESES18 population output are used to calculate the SP derived fields. The individualised file containing these fields is provided as part of the funding data summaries.

The algorithms for the derived fields in the SP and HESES18 comparison individualised files are included in the technical documents.

Reconciliation exercise HESES18A comparison

The HESES18A comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES18A data to HESES18A data recreated using the 2018-19 HESA student data, an individualised file and a modularised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data:

The 2018-19 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2018-19 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage).

2018-19 HESA student post-collection outputs: HESES18A comparison technical document

This document describes the HESES18A comparison files supplied as part of the post-collection outputs and the algorithms used to generate the data needed to recreate HESES18A from 2018-19 HESA student data.

2018-19 HESA student post-collection outputs: HESES18A comparison rebuild instructions

This document describes how the HESES18A re-creation data can be rebuilt from the HESES18A comparison individualised file.

2018-19 HESA student post-collection outputs: Student premium technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2018-19 HESA student data to calculate the 2020-21 student premium allocations.

2018-19 post-collection outputs: Student premium method document (available from the ILR post-collection outputs webpage)

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2020-21.

Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA AP Student post-collection outputs.

2017-18 HESA Student data

The post-collection outputs are downloadable from the OfS portal. To download them you will need to gain access to the relevant area of the portal using the access key provided to your accountable officer. The area is titled ‘2017-18 post-collection outputs’ and contains the following outputs.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate two targeted allocations for each provider:

  • Premium to support successful student outcomes: full-time
  • Disabled students’ premium.

We determine the headcounts in the summary using the following datasets:

  • HESA student data
  • ILR R14
  • The National Pupil Database
  • Young higher education participation rates by 2011 Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) in England and Wales, by 2001 Super Output Area (SOA) in Northern Ireland and by 2001 Intermediate Zone in Scotland.
  • Proportion of 16-74 year olds with a higher education qualification by 2001 census small area statistics ward.

For further information on the funding methods and datasets used to calculate the targeted allocations shown in the summary, see the method document.

The SP individualised file contains data from the datasets listed above, and fields that we have derived from them. For data protection reasons, we do not show data related to level 3 qualifications on entry if it is sourced from the ILR R14 and National Pupil Database datasets.

Some of the derived fields from the HESES17 population output are used to calculate the SP derived fields. The individualised file containing these fields is provided as part of the funding data summaries.

The algorithms for the derived fields in the SP and HESES17 comparison individualised files are included in the technical documents.

Very high-cost STEM subjects

The very high-cost STEM subjects funding data summary shows how we calculate the allocation from 2017-18 HESA student data. The allocation supplements the standard price group B high-cost subject funding and is based on the number of student FTEs in the following four subjects: chemistry; physics; chemical engineering; and mineral, metallurgy and materials engineering.

Reconciliation exercise HESES17 comparison

The HESES17 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES17 data to HESES17 data recreated using the 2017-18 HESA student data, an individualised file and a modularised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data:

2017-18 HESA student post-collection outputs: Student premium technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2017-18 HESA student data in order to calculate the 2019-20 student premium (SP) allocations.

2017-18 post-collection outputs: Student premium method document

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2019-20.

2017-18 HESA student post-collection outputs: Very high-cost STEM subjects technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2017-18 HESA student data in order to calculate the 2019-20 very high-cost STEM subjects allocation.

2017-18 HESA student post-collection outputs: Very high-cost STEM method document

This document describes the funding method used to calculate the very high-cost STEM subjects allocation for 2019-20.

2017-18 HESA post-collection outputs: HESES17 comparison technical document

This document describes the HESES17 comparison files supplied as part of the post-collection outputs and the algorithms used to generate the data needed to recreate HESES17 from 2017-18 HESA student data.

2017-18 HESA post-collection outputs: HESES17 comparison rebuild instructions

This document describes how the HESES17 re-creation data can be rebuilt from the HESES17 comparison individualised file.

2016-17 HESA Student data

The post-collection outputs are downloadable from the OfS portal. To download them you will need to gain access to the relevant area of the portal using the access key provided to your head of institution. The area is titled ‘2016-17 HESA post-collection outputs’ and contains the following outputs.

Funding data summary for student premium targeted allocations

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate two targeted allocations for each provider:

  • Premium to support successful student outcomes: full-time
  • Disabled students’ premium

We determine the headcounts in the summary using the following datasets:

  • HESA student record
  • Young higher education participation rates by 2001 census area statistics ward
  • Proportion of 16-74 year olds with a higher education qualification by 2001 census small area statistics ward.

For further information on the funding methods and datasets used to calculate the targeted allocations shown in the summary, see the method document.

The SP individualised file contains data from the datasets listed above, and fields that we have derived from them.

Some of the derived fields from the HESES comparison are used to calculate the SP derived fields. The individualised file containing these fields is provided alongside the HESES comparison as part of the reconciliation exercise.

The algorithms for the derived fields in the SP and HESES comparison individualised files are included in the technical documents.

Reconciliation exercise HESES16 comparison

The HESES16 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES16 data to HESES16 data recreated using the 2016-17 HESA student data and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data:

2016-17 HESA post-collection outputs: Student premium technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2016-17 HESA student data, which are used to calculate the 2018-19 student premium (SP) allocations.

2016-17 HESA and ILR post-collection outputs: Student premium method document

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2018-19.

2016-17 HESA post-collection outputs: HESES16 comparison technical document

This document describes the HESES16 comparison files supplied as part of the post-collection outputs and the algorithms used to generate the data needed to recreate HESES16 from 2016-17 HESA student data.

2016-17 HESA post-collection outputs: HESES16 comparison rebuild instruction

This document describes how the HESES re-creation data can be rebuilt from the HESES16 comparison individualised file.

Archived student alternative data

2021-22 student alternative data


The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2021-22 post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2021-22 post-collection outputs’ group will only be granted by the portal user administrator. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2021-22 student number post-collection outputs

The 2021-22 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2021-22 Student, Student Alternative and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

2021-22 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs

The 2021-22 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs provide the individualised data used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2021-22. These figures are produced using the 2021-22 Student, Student Alternative and ILR data

Funding data summaries

2022-23 degree apprenticeship allocation

The degree apprenticeship funding data summary shows how the 2021-22 Student Alternative and ILR data was used in the calculation of this allocation for each provider.

2023-24 student premiums

The 2023-24 student premium funding data summary shows how we calculate these targeted allocations for each provider.

Reconciliation exercise HESES21 comparison

The HESES21 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES21 data to HESES21 data recreated using the 2021-22 Student Alternative data and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data.

Calculating 2021-22 student numbers: technical document

The algorithms applied to HESA Student record, HESA Student Alternative record and ILR data, to determine a provider’s higher education and further education student numbers.

The 2021-22 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2021-22 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage.

Transparency 2023 information: 2021-22 transparency attainment data summary

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA alternative provider student record and ILR data, used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2021-22 which constitutes a provider’s Transparency 2023 information, are available in Condition F1 - Transparency 2023 information: Specification and publication guidance.

2021-22 Student post-collection outputs

2021-22 HESA Student Alternative PCOs - HESES21 comparison technical document

2021-22 HESA Student Alternative PCOs - HESES21 comparison rebuild instructions

2021-22 Student Alternative PCOs - Degree apprenticeship allocation data

2021-22 Student Alternative PCOs - 2023-24 student premium technical document

2021-22 Post-collection outputs - 2023-24 student premium method document


2020-21 HESA Student Alternative data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2020-21 Post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2020-21 Post-collection outputs’ area will only be granted by use of the access key which will be posted to your accountable officer. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2020-21 student number post-collection outputs

The 2020-21 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2020-21 HESA Student, HESA Student Alternative and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

2020-21 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs

The 2020-21 transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs provide the individualised data used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2020-21. These figures are produced using the 2020-21 HESA Student, HESA Student Alternative and ILR data.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate these targeted allocations for each provider.

Reconciliation exercise HESES20 comparison

The HESES20 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES20 data to HESES20 data recreated using the 2020-21 HESA student alternative data, and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data.

Calculating 2020-21 student numbers: technical document

The algorithms applied to HESA Student record, HESA Student Alternative record and ILR data, to determine a provider’s higher education and further education student numbers.

The 2020-21 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2020-21 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage).

Transparency 2022 information: 2020-21 transparency attainment data summary

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA alternative provider student record and ILR data, used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2020-21 which constitutes a provider’s Transparency 2022 information, are available in Condition F1 - Transparency 2022 information: Specification and publication guidance.

2020-21 HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs

HESES20 comparison technical document

HESES20 comparison rebuild instructions

2020-21 Post-collection outputs - Student premium method document
This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2022-23. Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs.

2020-21 HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs - Student premium technical document
This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2020-21 HESA Student Alternative data to calculate the 2022-23 student premium allocations.

2019-20 HESA Student Alternative data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2019-20 Post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2019-20 Post-collection outputs’ area will only be granted by use of the access key which will be posted to your accountable officer. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2019-20 student number post-collection outputs

The 2019-20 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2019-20 HESA student, HESA student alternative and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

2019-20 Transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs

The 2019-20 Transparency attainment data summary post-collection outputs provide the individualised data used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2019-20. These figures are produced using the 2019-20 HESA student, HESA student alternative and ILR data.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate these targeted allocations for each provider.

Reconciliation exercise HESES19 comparison

The HESES19 comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES19 data to HESES19 data recreated using the 2019-20 HESA student alternative data, and an individualised file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data.

Calculating 2019-20 student numbers: technical document

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA student alternative record and ILR data, to determine a provider’s higher education and further education student numbers.

The 2019-20 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2019-20 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage).

Transparency 2021 information: 2019-20 Transparency attainment data summary

The algorithms applied to HESA student record, HESA alternative provider student record and ILR data, used to create the summarised attainment information of students qualifying in 2019-20 which constitutes a provider’s Transparency 2021 information, are available in Condition F1 - Transparency 2021 information: Specification and publication guidance.

2019-20 HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs

HESES19 comparison technical document

HESES19 comparison rebuild instructions

Student premium method document

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2021-22. Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs.

Student premium technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2019-20 HESA Student Alternative data to calculate the 2021-22 student premium allocations.

Price group C1 technical document

This document describes the methodology for calculating the number of FTEs returned in HESES20 (or HESF21) that are assigned to price groups C1.1 and C1.2. Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA Student Alternative post-collection outputs.

2018-19 HESA AP Student data

The post-collection outputs will be released via the ‘2018-19 post-collection outputs’ group on the OfS portal. Access to the ‘2018-19 post-collection outputs’ area can be granted by your provider's nominated OfS portal user administrator. More information on each of the outputs is provided below.

2018-19 student number post-collection outputs

The 2018-19 student number post-collection outputs provide the full-time equivalent student numbers by level of study using the 2018-19 HESA student, HESA AP student and ILR data. These are the student numbers that the OfS will use for various regulatory purposes, including for setting registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers, university title and university college title.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate two targeted allocations for each provider:

  • Premium to support successful student outcomes: full-time
  • Disabled students’ premium.

We determine the headcounts in the summary using the following datasets:

  • HESA AP student data
  • ILR R14
  • The National Pupil Database
  • Young higher education participation rates by 2011 Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) in England and Wales, by 2011 Super Output Area (SOA) in Northern Ireland and by 2001 Intermediate Zone in Scotland.
  • Proportion of 16-74 year olds with a higher education qualification by 2001 census small area statistics ward.

For further information on the funding methods and datasets used to calculate the targeted allocations shown in the summary, see the method document.

The SP individualised file contains data from the datasets listed above, and fields that we have derived from them. For data protection reasons, we do not show data related to Level 3 qualifications on entry if it is sourced from the ILR R14 and National Pupil Database datasets.

Some of the derived fields from the HESES18B population output are used to calculate the SP derived fields. The individualised file containing these fields is provided as part of the funding data summaries.

The algorithms for the derived fields in the SP and HESES18B population individualised files are included in the technical documents.

Reconciliation exercise HESES18B comparison

The HESES18B comparison outputs are a summary workbook which compares HESES18B data to HESES18B data recreated using the 2018-19 HESA AP student data, an individualised file, and an instance period file.

Technical guidance containing the algorithms used to produce outputs, and information on how to rebuild outputs using the individualised data:

The 2018-19 student number algorithms are published in ‘Calculating 2018-19 student numbers: technical document’ which is available to download from our student numbers webpage).

2018-19 HESA AP student post-collection outputs: HESES18B comparison technical document

This document describes the HESES18B comparison files supplied as part of the post-collection outputs and the algorithms used to generate the data needed to recreate HESES18B from 2018-19 HESA AP student data.

2018-19 HESA AP student post-collection outputs: HESES18B comparison rebuild instructions

This document describes how the HESES18B re-creation data can be rebuilt from the HESES18B comparison individualised file.

2018-19 HESA AP student post-collection outputs: Student premium technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2018-19 HESA AP student data to calculate the 2020-21 student premium allocations.

2018-19 post-collection outputs: Student premium method document (available from the ILR post-collection outputs webpage)

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2020-21.

Please note: this document is applicable to the ILR, HESA Student and HESA AP Student post-collection outputs.

2017-18 HESA AP Student data

The post-collection outputs are downloadable from the OfS portal. To download them you will need to gain access to the relevant area of the portal using the access key provided to your accountable officer. The area is titled ‘2017-18 Post-collection outputs’ and contains the following outputs.

Funding data summaries

Student premiums

The student premium (SP) funding data summary shows how we calculate two targeted allocations for each provider:

  • Premium to support successful student outcomes: full-time
  • Disabled students’ premium.

We determine the headcounts in the summary using the following datasets:

  • ILR R14
  • The National Pupil Database
  • Young higher education participation rates by 2011 Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) in England and Wales, by 2001 Super Output Area (SOA) in Northern Ireland and by 2001 Intermediate Zone in Scotland.
  • Proportion of 16-74 year olds with a higher education qualification by 2001 census small area statistics ward.

For further information on the funding methods and datasets used to calculate the targeted allocations shown in the summary, see the method document.

The SP individualised file contains data from the datasets listed above, and fields that we have derived from them. For data protection reasons, we do not show data related to Level 3 qualifications on entry if it is sourced from the ILR R14 and National Pupil Database datasets.

Some of the derived fields from the HESES17 population output are used to calculate the SP derived fields. The individualised file containing these fields is provided as part of the funding data summaries.

The algorithms for the derived fields in the SP and HESES17 population individualised files are included in the technical documents.

2017-18 HESA AP student post-collection outputs: Student premium technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2017-18 HESA AP student data in order to calculate the 2019-20 student premium (SP) allocations.

2017-18 post-collection outputs: Student premium method document

This document describes the funding methods used to calculate the student premium allocations for 2019-20.

2017-18 HESA AP student post-collection outputs: HESES17 population technical document

This document describes the algorithms applied to the 2017-18 HESA AP student data, which are used to derive the HESES17 population and fields such as mode and level of study, which are applicable to the student premium allocations.

Last updated 26 July 2024
26 July 2024
2023-24 information moved to the archive page.

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