Recurrent funding

Funding allocations

Funding for 2024-25

For the academic year 2024-25, the overall non-capital grant we are distributing is £1,426 million. Of this, we are distributing £1,402 million to providers through our recurrent funding streams.

Recurrent funding allocations are made to providers that are in the 'approved (fee cap)' category of the OfS Register. Initial 2024-25 allocations of funding for 344 providers that had registered in that category were released on 26 July 2024.

For details of the capital funding distributed for 2024-25, please see our capital funding pages.

Key documents

These documents describe how we calculated our funding for 2024-25.

Our funding streams

Of the £1,402 million of recurrent funding distributed for 2024-25, we distributed:

  • £1,043 million in funding for high-cost courses, provided to help support the extra costs associated with teaching particular subjects.
  • £301 million in funding for student access and success, provided to support student access and success for particular student groups. This included Uni Connect (£20 million for 2024-25).
  • £58 million in funding for specialist providers, provided to support certain specialist institutions with world-leading teaching. For further details, please see our funding for specialist providers pages.

For the academic year 2023-24, the overall non-capital grant we distributed is £1,439 million. Of this, we distributed £1,412 million to providers through our recurrent funding streams.

Recurrent funding allocations were made to providers that are in the 'approved (fee cap)' category of the OfS Register. Initial 2023-24 allocations of funding for 342 providers that had registered in that category were released on 6 July 2023. Updated 2023-24 allocations of funding for 344 providers that had registered in that category were released on 11 July 2024. Final 2023-24 allocations of funding for 344 providers that had registered in that category were released on 26 July 2024.

For details of the capital funding distributed for 2023-24, please see our capital funding pages.

Key documents

These documents describe how we calculated our funding for 2023-24.

Our funding streams

Of the £1,412 million of recurrent funding distributed for 2023-24, we distributed:

  • £1,038 million in funding for high-cost courses, provided to help support the extra costs associated with teaching particular subjects.
  • £316 million in funding for student access and success, provided to support student access and success for particular student groups. This included Uni Connect (£30 million for 2023-24).
  • £58 million in funding for specialist providers, provided to support certain specialist institutions with world-leading teaching. For further details, please see our funding for specialist providers pages.

For the academic year 2022-23, the overall non-capital grant we distributed was £1,373 million. Of this, we distributed £1,347 million to providers through our recurrent funding streams.

Initial 2022-23 allocations of funding for 345 providers that had registered in that category were released on 15 July 2022.

Our approach to allocating capital funding has changed for 2022-23. Further details can be found on our capital funding pages.

Key documents

These documents describe how we calculated our funding for 2022-23.

Our funding streams

Of the £1,347 million of recurrent funding distributed for 2022-23, we distributed:

  • £974 million in funding for high-cost courses, provided to help support the extra costs associated with teaching particular subjects.
  • £310 million in funding for student access and success, provided to support student access and success for particular student groups. This included Uni Connect (£30 million for 2022-23).
  • £58 million in funding for specialist providers, provided to support certain specialist institutions with world-leading teaching. Allocations for this funding stream were announced in December 2022. For further details, please see our funding for specialist providers pages.

For the academic year 2021-22, the overall grant we distributed was £1,437 million.

Of this, we distributed £1,266 million to providers through our recurrent funding streams.

This is a chart with three sections - it shows funding for 2021-22. It shows that £1,266m was distributed as recurrent grant, £150m was distributed as capital funding, and £21m was distributed for national facilities and regulatory activities

Recurrent funding allocations are made to providers that are in the 'approved (fee cap)' category of the OfS Register.

Our initial allocations of funding for 2021-22 were released on 29 July 2021 and included 335 providers that had registered in that category.

Key documents

These documents describe how we calculated our funding for 2021-22.

Our funding streams

The majority of our funding for 2021-22 (£1,266 million) was allocated as recurrent teaching grant:

  • Funding for high-cost courses (£900 million for 2021-22) was provided to help support the extra costs associated with teaching particular subjects.
  • Funding for student access and success (£313 million for 2021-22) was provided to support student access and success for particular student groups. This includes Uni Connect (£40 million for 2021-22).
  • Funding for specialist providers (£53 million for 2021-22) was provided to support certain specialist institutions with world-leading teaching.

For the academic year 2020-21 the overall grant we distributed was £1,426 million.

Of this we distributed £1,255 million to providers through our recurrent funding streams.

A pie chart to show funding for 2020-21 (£ million): Recurrent teaching grant (1255), Capital funding (150) and National facilities and regulatory activities (21)

Recurrent funding allocations are made to providers that are in the 'approved (fee cap)' category of the OfS Register.

Our initial allocations of funding for 2020-21 were released on 12 May 2020 and included over 320 providers that had registered in that category by 14 April 2020.

We also set aside budget provision to make further allocations to providers which register in the same category after 14 April and before the end of the 2020-21 academic year (31 July 2021).

We released these funds throughout the year. We will not reduce the allocations announced on 12 May to extend funding to providers that join the OfS Register later.

Key documents

These documents describe how we calculated our funding for 2020‑21.

Our funding streams

The majority of our funding for 2020-21 (£1,255 million) was allocated as recurrent teaching grant:

  • Funding for high-cost courses (£895 million for 2020-21) was provided to help support the extra costs associated with teaching particular subjects.
  • Funding for student access and success (£316 million for 2020-21) was provided to support student access and success for particular student groups. This includes Uni Connect (£60 million for 2020-21).
  • Funding for specialist providers (£43 million for 2020-21) was provided to support certain specialist institutions with world-leading teaching.

Further information on our funding streams and how they are allocated can be found in our Guide to funding 2020-21.

Following a strategic guidance letter in January 2020 from the Secretary of State for Education, which announced a reduction to recurrent teaching grant for the financial year, we secured savings of £26 million from funds not yet committed and have updated the 2019-20 budgets accordingly.

For full details, please see Funding for academic years 2019-20 and 2020-21: OfS board decisions and outcomes of consultation.

For the academic year 2019-20 the overall grant we distributed was £1,449 million.

Of this we distributed £1,309 million to providers through our recurrent teaching funding streams.

Plot 4074

Recurrent funding allocations are made to providers that are in the 'approved (fee cap)' category of the OfS register.

Our initial allocations of funding for 2019-20 were released on 9 May 2019 and included 304 providers that had registered in that category by 15 April 2019.

We set aside £14 million to make further allocations to providers which registered in the same category after 15 April and before the end of the 2019-20 academic year (31 July 2020).

We released these funds throughout the year. We will not reduce the allocations announced on 9 May to extend funding to providers that join the OfS register later.

Key documents

These documents describe how we calculated our funding for 2019‑20.

Our funding streams

The majority of our funding for 2019-20 (£1,309 million) is allocated as recurrent teaching grant:

  • High-cost subject funding (£713 million for 2019-20) is provided to help support the extra costs associated with teaching particular subjects.
  • Targeted allocations (£536 million total for 2019-20) are provided to support important or vulnerable features of higher education in accordance with key policy initiatives.
  • National Collaborative Outreach Programme (£60 million for 2019‑20), known as Uni Connect from January 2020. Further information on our funding streams and how they are allocated can be found in the ‘Guide to funding 2019-20’.

For the academic year 2018-19, we allocated funding to 315 higher education providers.

In May 2018 we announced these funding allocations, which total £1,538 million.

Plot 2872

We have calculated teaching and capital funding using:

Key documents

These documents describe how we have calculated our funding for 2018-19.

Our funding streams

The majority of our funding for 2018-19 (£1,290 million) was allocated as recurrent teaching grant.

Our ‘Guide to funding’ provides further detail on these funding streams.

Recurrent grant: high-cost subject funding

This funding totals £681 million for 2018-19 and is provided to help support the extra costs associated with teaching particular subjects.

Some subjects need particular facilities or equipment to teach and so are more expensive than other subjects which are classroom based.

Recurrent grant: targeted allocations

These total £549 million for 2018-19. Our targeted allocations are provided to support important or vulnerable features of higher education, and reflect policy areas highlighted by the government as important.

For example, we have distributed £72 million to providers to support successful outcomes for part-time undergraduates.

A full list of our targeted allocations is in our ‘Guide to funding’.

Other funding streams

  • National Collaborative Outreach Programme
    The recurrent teaching grant total also includes £60 million for the National Collaborative Outreach Programme.
  • National facilities and regulatory initiatives
    For 2018-19, this totals £51 million. This is used to secure change or fund activities that can’t be addressed through our funding to providers
  • Knowledge exchange funding
    For 2018-19, this totals £47 million. This funding comes from our teaching grant budget, but it is administered by Research England according to a method agreed with us.
    The funds support the contribution higher education makes to the economy and society.
  • Capital funding for teaching
    For 2018-19, this totals £150 million. Further information on capital funding can be found in our capital funding pages.
Last updated 07 July 2023
07 July 2023
Page updated with details of funding for 2023-24
08 December 2022
Links added to the Guide to funding 2022-23, and to pages on funding for specialist providers
15 July 2022
Page updated with details of funding for 2022-23
20 October 2021
Consultation on an approach to world-leading specialist provider funding notice added
30 July 2021
Updated for 2021-22
20 July 2021
Updated with consultation outcomes
07 May 2021
Updated to reflect closed consultation.
26 March 2021
Consultation details added
13 May 2020
Updated with funding information for 2020-21

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