Official statistics

National Student Survey data: quality report

NSS quality report

To assure the quality and reliability of the 2024 NSS publication we have produced a quality report.

The report reviewed the data, survey approach and analysis process with regard to five dimensions:

  • relevance
  • accuracy and reliability
  • timeliness and punctuality
  • coherence and comparability
  • accessibility and clarity.

This quality report sets out the key findings from considering these dimensions and publishes the accompanying charts which informed these outcomes.

Points to note

  • As this is the second year of survey with a consistent questionnaire, we now have two years of comparable NSS data. This includes publication of NSS 2023 healthcare questions results

  • The 2024 survey is the first NSS to be published using data from the HESA Data Futures model. There is an issue with the completeness of some of the data reported by providers to Jisc, and we have used data from the previous year in places to mitigate as far as possible the effect of this issue.

  • Because it is useful to providers, students and the general public, we publish NSS results based on very small populations (as low as 10 students). There is a high degree of statistical uncertainty around some of these results, and they should always be viewed together with the uncertainty measures included in the data dashboard

Published 10 August 2023
Last updated 10 July 2024
05 July 2024
Updated for NSS 2024.
15 August 2023
Minor correction to paragraph 17 of the Quality report

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