Briefing for accountable officers – the OfS’s approach to monitoring and intervention - London session three

This event provided further information about the Office for Students' approach to monitoring and intervention for registered providers.

The purpose of this event was to brief accountable officers on the way in which the OfS’s approach to monitoring and intervention will operate and the actions providers will need to take to comply with their conditions of registration.

The OfS will also be publishing additional guidance documents in the autumn, covering topics including:

  • our approach to monitoring and intervention
  • our approach to the use of our enforcement powers
  • the submission of reportable events.

There were opportunities during the event to ask questions and discuss these and other issues with the OfS’s monitoring and intervention team.

Who should attend?

This event was aimed at a provider’s accountable officer, or a colleague with sufficient seniority to convey information about the OfS’s approach and requirements to the accountable officer.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact us at [email protected]

Last updated 27 November 2019
27 November 2019
Updated to reflect that the event has now passed

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