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Office for Students releases latest analysis on senior staff pay

The Office for Students (OfS) has published new analysis on the pay of senior university staff in England. The figures include details of salary, allowances, or other forms of remuneration for vice chancellors as well as information on staff paid over £100,000 a year for the 2019-20 academic year.

OfS announces new independent committee members

Following an open recruitment process the Office for Students (OfS) welcomes the appointment of six new independent committee members to three committees of the board: the Risk and Audit Committee, Provider Risk Committee and Quality Assessment Committee.

OfS sets out funding proposals for world-leading specialist providers

The Office for Students (OfS) has launched a consultation on funding for world-leading specialist providers of higher education. These providers receive additional funding, recognising the high cost of their education and related activities and the contribution they make to the higher education sector and wider society.

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