Universities to get funding for student mental health 'innovations'

The i News reports the OfS's announcement of new funding to support student mental health as part of an interview with Michelle Donelan, the new universities minister.

Chris Millward, Director for Fair Access and Participation at the OfS, said:

'All students deserve the opportunity to thrive at university and college, but for too many mental ill health remains a significant barrier. We know that there are many factors which can impact the wellbeing of students and situations where students may be or feel more vulnerable. Through this funding we want to support innovative and strategic solutions that can help ensure that all students, regardless of their background or how they study, get the support they need.

'By working together with partners including the NHS and charities, universities and colleges have the power to address the complex issues associated with student mental ill health. We will be sharing the effective practice that comes from this funding and driving improved mental health support for all students.'

Read the i News article Read more about the funding
Published 05 March 2020

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