Student number data
The Office for Students calculates student numbers for various regulatory purposes. These include setting OfS registration fees and assessing applications for degree awarding powers and university title.
We consulted on our approach to calculating student numbers in autumn 2018. View our response to the consultation.
This page contains technical information about the detailed method behind student number calculations. It is intended primarily for those who are familiar with the individualised student data we use, and who may be interested in understanding or recreating our calculations.
Methodology and technical information
Technical information
Methodology and technical documents from previous years can be found in our student numbers data and documentation archive.
29 August 2024 - Archived 2021-22 documentation.
26 June 2024 - We have updated our overview of the method for calculating student numbers and added a technical document on calculating numbers for 2022-23.
15 February 2023 - The 2021-22 technical document and rebuild instructions was updated to reflect a correction to an exclusion clause. Incoming reciprocal Turing Scheme students (EXCHANGE=O) were erroneously included in the data published on 8 February 2023. They are now excluded from the population when using data returned in the student record. EXCHANGE=O was a new value added for 2021-22.
08 February 2023 - 2021-22 methodology and technical document published
02 November 2022 - Calculating student numbers: Overview of method document minor updates
24 August 2022 - 2019-20 documentation moved from this page to archive
16 February 2022 - Update of 2020-21 technical document and rebuild instructions.
04 August 2021 - Added overview of method and technical document for 2020-21.
10 February 2021 - Technical document updated
24 September 2020 - 2019-20 overview of method document published, and correction to 2018-19 technical document.
12 August 2020 - 2019-20 technical document and rebuild instructions published.
12 February 2020 - 2018-19 student numbers overview of method and technical document published. Document archive created.
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