We want students, people working in higher education, and anyone else with an interest in higher education to have an easy way of keeping in touch with what we’re doing.

For 2019 we’ve launched a new alerts service and monthly update:
- We’ll send you an alert whenever we publish a report, blog post, or press release, plus a weekly roundup of events, deadlines, publications and news stories. (You can expect to receive around 15 alerts each month.)
- Our monthly update features our top stories from the previous month as well as publications, web updates and deadlines. See our January update
If you subscribed to our previous email lists, we need to ask you to subscribe to the new services: data protection requirements mean we’re not able to transfer your details across (our privacy notice explains how we will use and protect the information you give us).
Here’s how to subscribe (it won’t take long):
You can also find us on Twitter at @officestudents and on LinkedIn.