Support for providers developing access and participation plans

If you are developing an access and participation plan for academic year 2019-20, or think that you might need one, a range of support is available to help you.

Guidance on our expectations

Regulatory Notice 1: Guidance on access and participation plans for 2019-20

This describes what an access and participation plan is, who needs one, what must be included in a plan for it to be approved, how to write your plan and fill in your resource plan tables, how the assessment process works, and what happens after a plan is approved.

It also describes the Office for Students’ vision and goals in relation to access and participation and how access and participation plans fit into that strategy, as well as our approach to regulation through the plans.

Advice on good practice

Regulatory Advice 6: Good practice advice on the preparation of access and participation plans for 2019-20

This gives advice on preparing your plan and how you might address some of the required elements set out in Regulatory Notice 1. It is designed to support you on particular topics, and highlights approaches you should consider.  

Access and participation plan template

Use of this template is recommended but not mandatory.

Half-day events

These events are suitable for staff and students at any higher education provider who are involved in developing access and participation plans for 2019-20. They offer:

  • An opportunity to hear from the Director for Fair Access and Participation, about his aims for access and participation
  • A discussion of the key principles of the 2019-20 access and participation plan guidance
  • An opportunity to raise any questions you have with the team assessing your plan

There are still places available for the event in Manchester, on the afternoon of Wednesday 21 March 2018.

Email  for more information and booking.

One-to-one assistance from our team of advisors


Call 0117 931 7488

Advice surgeries

We will be organising a series of ‘advice surgeries’ where providers can discuss their developing plans via Skype or face to face. To enquire about attending a surgery email .

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