About the Quality and standards Excellence Framework (TEF)

TEF Advisory group

We established an advisory group to provide expert advice on the design and implementation of the new TEF scheme. Decisions on the overall framework were taken by the OfS.

Appointments were made to the group following a nomination process with stakeholder bodies. Some members were co-opted to the group. The group has representation from across the UK, and includes:

  • students
  • academics
  • employers
  • members of professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRB)
  • an equalities expert.

The group was formed to operate for a fixed term. It started after the publication of the independent review of the TEF and it will end with the publication of the first set of outcomes from the new exercise.


Name Role

Graeme Rosenberg


Head of Quality Improvement and Student Protection, Office for Students

Chris Husbands (co-opted)

TEF Panel Chair

Vice-Chancellor, Sheffield Hallam University.

Afua Acheampong (student representative)

Vice President Education, Nottingham Trent Students’ Union 2018 – 2020

Jon Forster (co-opted)

TEF metrics peer review group member

Head of Department of Statistics, University of Warwick

Pauline Hanesworth

Head of Learning and Teaching, Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)

Stephen Isherwood (employer representative)

Chief Executive, Institute of Student Employers

Janice Kay (co-opted)

Former Chair of the TEF subject pilots

Provost and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Exeter

Osama Khan

Vice-Provost Education, University of Surrey

Jessica Lichtenstein (employer representative)

Assistant Director for Education Operations, General Medical Council

Rebecca Lingwood

Provost, Brunel University London

Callum Perry (student representative)

Undergraduate Education Officer, University of East Anglia Students’ Union

President of Aurora Student Network

Becky Ricketts (student representative)

President, NUS Wales, 2020 – 2022

Group President, Trinity Saint David Students’ Union 2019-20

Sue Rigby

Vice-Chancellor, Bath Spa University

Claire Taylor

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Wrexham Glyndŵr

Steve Taylor

Academic Development Director, Oxford International Education Group

Ramita Tejpal

Director of Academic Quality, BPP University

Jack Thomlinson (co-opted, DfE representative)

Deputy Director, Higher Education Quality and Regulation, Department for Education

TEF metrics peer review group

We established a metrics peer review group to undertake expert peer review of the OfS’s proposed statistical methods for the future TEF metrics. The group is also tasked with commenting on the presentation and clarity of the new TEF metrics from a metrics user perspective.

The remit of the group is purely advisory, providing expert input on the TEF metrics, with information flowing between this group and the TEF advisory group.


The metrics peer review group has met 11 times between October 2019 and October 2021, and will operate up to the point of delivery of the new TEF framework later in 2022.


The TEF metrics peer review group includes members with expertise on the statistical elements of the metrics, and those who represent key metrics user groups.

Name Organisation

Mark Gittoes (Interim chair)

Office for Students

Amanda Chetwynd

Lancaster University, former TEF panel member

Jon Forster

University of Warwick, Royal Statistical Society Vice President for Academic Affairs

Aashish Khadia

University of Leicester, HESPA executive member

Duncan Lawson

Coventry University, former TEF subject-level pilot panel member

Emma McCoy

Imperial College London, Royal Statistical Society council member

Victoria Obudulu

Department for Education

James Perkins

Central School of Speech and Drama, former TEF subject-level pilot student panel member

Robin Webber-Jones

The Sheffield College, former TEF subject-level pilot panel member

Published 24 June 2020
Last updated 11 October 2022
11 October 2022
Updates to the terms of reference and role of a member of the advisory group
07 October 2022
Minor copy updates
21 January 2021
Minor wording updates
30 September 2020
Membership list updated with confirmation of the Department for Education representative

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