Artificial intelligence and data science postgraduate conversion course scholarship funding

Office for Students funding competition

This document sets out the arrangements for the distribution by the Office for Students of funding for up to two financial years for the artificial intelligence and data science postgraduate conversion course scholarship programme. This funding will be delivered in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

OfS 2022.52
22 September 2022

Annex A: Bidding template

Bidding template for artificial intelligence and data science postgraduate conversion course scholarship funding

Published 22 September 2022
Last updated 23 November 2022
23 November 2022
Published slides from the Group GTI workshop
10 October 2022
Error corrected in scoring criteria in the guidance (paragraph 111): ‘To inform funding decisions we will prioritise between bids based on the mean average score achieved under Criterion 1 against category a., b. and c., plus the score achieved against Criterion 2. This will give a maximum score out of 8.’

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