OfS privacy

Individual rights under the General Data Protection Regulations

Individuals have a number of rights over the way organisations use their personal information. These are set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which aims to harmonise data privacy laws across Europe.

These rights are:

  • right of access to personal information
  • right to correct inaccurate personal information
  • right to have their personal information deleted (within certain limits)
  • right to restrict use of their personal information in certain circumstances
  • right to have a copy of their personal information provided to them in a commonly used machine-readable format (to allow easy transfer to another data controller)
  • right to object to the use of personal information where it is based on specific legal bases
  • right to object to the use of automated decision making, including profiling.

Making a request

We have set out how to request access to a copy of your personal information held by the OfS.

To make a request relating to any of the other above rights, please email: [email protected]

Please set out the detail of your request in the email. Note, we may ask you to confirm your identity before we reply.  

Time limit for response

Once we are satisfied that the request is legitimate, we will provide a response within one month (for example, 5 April to 5 May).

If the request is complex, we may extend the deadline for up to two months to provide a full response. If so, we will let you know about the extension and why we have applied it.


If a request is ‘manifestly unfounded or excessive’ or repetitive, we may either:

  • charge a reasonable fee to take into account the administrative costs of providing a response; or
  • refuse to act on the request.

In either event, we will set out in writing our reasons.

Contact the OfS's Data Protection Officer

Please email [email protected] if you would like to discuss how your personal data is processed by the OfS and how you may exercise your rights under data protection legislation.

Further information

Further information about these rights can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website.

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