Degree apprenticeships: a guide for higher education providers

Useful resources

This page lists links to useful resources, analysis and reports about degree apprenticeships.

Provider guide to delivering high-quality apprenticeships

A guide for training providers that currently offer apprenticeship training, and for considering offering it in the future.

Degree apprenticeships: A viable alternative?

OfS Insight brief: What is working? Where is further development needed?

Analysis of degree apprenticeships

Data and analysis exploring the characteristics of apprentices

Motivations of degree apprentices

Research report on why people choose the degree apprenticeship route

Apprenticeships effective practice

Examples of effective practice for providers delivering apprenticeships

Evaluation of the Degree Apprenticeship Development Fund (DADF)

A review of the development of degree apprenticeships and the achievements of the DADF-funded projects.

Last updated 22 April 2021
22 April 2021
Provide guide to apprenticeships added
24 January 2020
Added Evaluation of the Degree Apprenticeship Development Fund (DADF)

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