Student engagement strategy

These pages set out our strategy for engaging students between 2020 and 2023 and our priorities for student engagement in 2022-23.

We published our strategy in 2020, but since then we have seen significant changes.

Students' priorities have changed, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have also published a new strategy for the organisation as a whole covering 2022 to 2025.

Following these changes, we have revised priorities for student engagement in 2022-23.

Priorities for 2022-23

Read our priorities for building a culture of student engagement

Strategy 2020 to 2023

Read the original strategy

Our priority projects

  • Help students and students’ union officers enhance the quality and outcomes of their education
  • Engage students to understand the issues we should focus on to protect their interests effectively
  • Involve students and students’ unions in shaping our regulatory approach to freedom of speech
  • Continue to work with students to ensure universities and colleges act to prevent and respond to incidents of harassment and sexual misconduct
  • Support the work of groups funded by the OfS on student issues relating to equality, diversity, and inclusion
  • Engage students in our work to understand and share what works in supporting student mental health and wellbeing
  • Develop a training package for student representatives to effectively engage and shape our regulatory processes.
Published 06 April 2022

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