10th meeting of the OfS board, 3 July 2019

Agenda and associated papers

1 Chair's welcome

2.1 Approval of May 2019 minutes

3.1 Chief executive's report

Annex E exempt from publication - locally sensitive information. Summary risk information has been published in the OfS's annual report and accounts

Annex F cannot be published for copyright reasons

4.1 TEF update including presentation from Dame Shirley Pearce on the Independent Review of the TEF 

5.1 The Independent Panel Report to the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding: the Augar Review

6.1 Review of the OfS’s approach to funding

A paper setting out the considerations relevant to the OfS’s approach to funding

Paper and Annex A exempt from publication - policy in development. The board will discuss this issue again at its next meeting in September

7.1 Annual equality, diversity and inclusion report 2018-19

A paper detailing the OfS’s compliance with the specific duties of the Equality Act 2010. The paper also provides the board with an update on progress with the OfS’s equality and diversity statement and objectives

See the Equality and diversity objectives for the Office for Students - Action plan 2019 to 2022.

8.1 OfS people report

A presentation from the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development on people-related issues at OfS

9.1 The National Student Survey 2021 and beyond

A paper setting out proposals for the arrangements for future surveys

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information. We will communicate any changes to the delivery of the National Student Survey to the sector at the appropriate time

10.1 Update on our engagement with the media as part of the wider communications strategy

11.1 Report from the Provider Risk Committee 

A report on the work of the OfS’s Provider Risk Committee

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information

12.1 Report from the Quality Assessment Committee

13.1 Report from the Risk and Audit Committee

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