26th meeting of the OfS board, 3 February 2022

Agenda and associated papers

1.1 Chair's welcome

2.1 Approval of minutes from 2 December 2021 board meeting

3.1 Chief executive's report

Annex A cannot be published for copyright reasons.

Annex B exempt from publication – locally sensitive information. Summary risk information will be published in the OfS’s annual report and accounts.

4.1 OfS strategy 2022-25

A paper for the board summarising the current development status of the OfS strategy 2022-2025.

Exempt from publication – policy in development. We will publish our strategy in spring 2022.

4.2 Strategy – enforcement prioritisation 

A discussion paper for the board on the development of an enforcement strategy for the OfS.

Exempt from publication – policy in development. We expect to publish our enforcement strategy later in 2022.

5.1 Access and participation strategy

A paper for the board outlining the OfS’s new and continuing work on access and participation.

Exempt from publication – policy in development. In April 2022 we expect to provide advice for providers on how to update their current access and participation plans.

6.1 Intervention in cases of potential fraud

A presentation to the board outlining the options available to the OfS to intervene in cases of potential fraud.

7.1 OfS response to coronavirus

8.1 Finance report

An update to the board on the OfS’s Programme and Administration funding.

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information. Full financial disclosure will be made in the OfS’s annual report and accounts.

9.1 Oral report from the Provider Risk Committee

An oral report to the board summarising the outcomes of the committee’s most recent meeting held on 24 January 2022.

10.1 Report from the Quality Assessment Committee

11.1 Report from the Risk and Audit Committee

12.1 Report from the Remuneration and Nominations Committee

A report to the board summarising the outcomes of the committee’s most recent meeting held on 17 November 2021.

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information. Relevant remuneration information will be made available in the OfS’s annual report and accounts.

Published 24 March 2022

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